
To increase the speed of mandrake, you can alter the following options:

--n-workers N_WORKERS
                      Number of workers to use, sets max parallelism [default = 1]
--cpus CPUS           Number of CPUs to use [default = 1]
--use-gpu             Run SCE on the GPU. If this fails, the CPU will be used [default =
--device-id DEVICE_ID
                      GPU ID to use
--blockSize BLOCKSIZE
                      CUDA blockSize [default = 128]

Set the number of cores to use by specifying --cpus. This will set the parallelism for the SCE (embedding), but also carries through to the distance calculation.

To use a GPU you will need: - A CUDA enabled GPU available with appropriate drivers. - A version of the code compiled with CUDA. - To add the --use-gpu flag.

A GPU will also be used for sketch distances, if pp-sketchlib is also set up to use GPUs. You can choose a GPU with the --device-id flag, or the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable (in which case keep device ID as the default; this is how some HPCs set the GPU).

The float precision on GPUs can be set with --fp, 32 for single precision, 64 for double precision. On ‘consumer’ GPUs, using --fp 32 will likely be faster. You can also change the block size for the SCE process with --blockSize (this should be a multiple of 32, and likely one of 32, 64, 128 or 256). The default is 128, and you probably don’t need to change this unless you are interested in CUDA.

Setting the number of workers

The number of workers --n-workers sets the maximum amount of parallelism possible. Each worker will randomly pick a sample pair to update the attraction between, and then --nRepuSamp pairs to update the repulsion between. These can be run in parallel at each iteration.

If you are running with CPU cores, you probably want to set the number of workers equal to the number of available cores (this will be done automatically). If you are running on a GPU you should set at least as many workers as the block size. However, GPUs become more efficient with more threads, up to about 100k threads. So you want to set as many workers as possible, ideally up to 100k (and probably an integer multiple of the block size).

However, the more workers running in parallel there are relative to the number of samples, the more likely two or more workers will try and update the same sample at the same time. The frequency of these attempted overwrites is shown by the percentage of clashes in the progress bar.

The CPU code largely avoids multiple synchronous worker updates, but you may find that speedup decreases as clash rate increases. The GPU code does not correct for clashes (but does maintain memory validity), instead relying on the stochastic nature of the algorithm to give a correct result. Speed is likely to decreases with clashes, but at large values you may find issues with convergence. If the clash rate is approaching 100%, you should probably decrease the number of workers, even if this takes you below the optimum for a GPU.