
This page describes the outputs from mandrake. Along with the plots, mandrake also outputs the embedding as:

  • mandrake.embedding.txt the X-Y coordinates of the embedding as text.

  • mandrake.names.txt the sample names of each row in the embedding file.

Should you wish to create your own plots.

Interactive plot

An interactive plot of the embedding is written to mandrake.embedding.html, which can be viewing in your web browser. This plot can be zoomed and panned, and sample labels will appear when you hover over them. Use the controls in the top-right to save your view as a static image. Double-click to zoom out.

Embedding viewed in the browser

For large datasets this file may become very large due to the labels, in which case the static images might be preferred.

Static image

This is a non-interactive version of the embedding written to mandrake.embedding_static.png. Point size will vary depending on number of samples \(N\):

  • Small dataset, large points \(N < 1000\).

  • Medium dataset, medium points \(1000 < N < 10000\).

  • Large dataset, small points \(N > 10000\).

Points will be coloured by their labels if provided, or otherwise their HDBSCAN cluster (total number noted in the title). Colours are chosen at random, but consistently between runs:

Static view of the embedding

Changing colours in the plots

The colours for each label are chosen at (pseudo)random, so while they will be consistent between runs, they may also be fairly putrescent. To try a new set of colours, give a different --seed. This should be an integer, and setting --seed 1 will be the default colours.

Density plot

Due to the nature of the SCE algorithm, many points are likely to be overploted. This can be investiaged in the HTML plot by zooming in. For larger datasets, a useful companion to the static image is the hexbin plot mandrake.embedding_density.pdf, which shows the number of points in each region of the plot, divided into small tesselating hexagons:

hexbin density view of the embedding

Microreact output

You can also view your clusters in microreact, which will also let you combine the embedding visualisation with a tree, interactively.

Upload the file. If you ran HDBSCAN clustering there will also be mandrake.hdbscan_clusters.csv file you can include to colour the points with.

If you used your own --labels, these can be used, as long as they are formatted as a Microreact-compliant .csv file:

  • comma separated

  • with a header

  • sample names have column header ‘id’

  • append __autocolour to column headers you wish to colour points by